Monday, September 14, 2009


Here are three very important things to consider when hiring a personal trainer:

1. Are they nationally certified?

There are so many trainers out there claiming to be experts and are not even certified. This should be the first step for any trainer entering the industry. When a trainer is nationally certified it shows you they have studied hard and have taken some classes/workshops to understand the body and how it works. Certified trainers are normally much more knowledgeable and qualified. But BEWARE! Not all certifications are equal. There is a lot of really weak “certs” out there that you can get online. Here are some of the best and most recognized in the industry that you can feel certain are worthy.

National Academy of Sports Medicine (N.A.S.M.)

American Council on Exercise (ACE)
International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
Premier Personal Training Solutions (PTS) {New to the United States, form UK Great Cert}

2. Do they have direct experience?

Would you hire a dentist to perform your open heart surgery? They are both doctors right? Of course not! Find out if the trainer you’re looking to hire has experience in working with other clients who have the same goals or conditions as yourself. A rookie trainer is ok if you’re getting a good deal and they are nationally certified but if you really want great results I would highly recommend some experience, direct experience. Start by googling your area for example, personal trainer Lake Mary and then read thier website and look for good testamonials.

3. Try before you buy.

Take the trainer for a test drive. You should be able to try at least one free session to see if you like working with him or her. See if your personalities click. Does the trainer enjoy talking “coffee talk”? There is nothing wrong with a little conversation but if you spend half the session talking you’re just wasting your time. Did you have fun? Are you being challenged? Remember it is their job to push you a little beyond your comfort zone so if you’re not being challenged then move on. Are they good at getting you motivated? I always ask my clients when starting out what their motivation level is on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being ready to conquer the world. Normally it’s moderate to low (3-6) when first starting. It’s my goal to have the client at a 9 or 10 by week 2. It’s great to see that happen, I get excited just thinking about it. Also, are they in good shape? It’s hard to get motivated if your trainer is fat and has no energy. Make sure they practice what they preach.

If you’re getting great results, feel challenged, and are having fun then congratulations you have found a great personal trainer who understands what the personal training experience is all about. Remember to thank them once in a while and the best thank you is always referring them to your friends and family.

There are a ton of personal trainers in Lake Mary so do your home work and test a few out before commiting to one.

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